Retreatment for Your Root Canal

When your dental professional performs a root canal to save your tooth, they clean out the inner workings and refill the root canals with a material that’s intended to prevent re-infection. Lastly, the tooth is sealed with a restoration. Usually, this fixes the dental issue, and as long as you continue to brush and floss regularly, you’ll experience no further problems with that tooth. However, sometimes a root canal fails to prevent re-infection. When this happens, your root canal specialist in Thornton, CO, may suggest a procedure called a root canal retreatment.

What Can Cause a Root Canal to Fail?

There are several possible scenarios in which a root canal may fail to protect your tooth. For example:

  • If there was a delay between the original root canal and the placing of the restoration
  • If there is a subsequent injury to the treated tooth
  • If the treated tooth develops a second cavity after treatment
  • If the restoration becomes loose or breaks away
  • If your dentist was unable to reach curved or narrow root canals to clean them thoroughly during your initial procedure

Any one of these possibilities could cause you to need root canal retreatment. If you begin experiencing pain in a tooth previously treated, schedule an appointment to see your dental professional right away before your condition worsens.

What Is a Root Canal Retreatment Procedure?

During your root canal retreatment, your dental professional will perform an oral exam and take diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, to better understand why your initial restoration failed. Afterward, they’ll devise a course of treatment. A root canal retreatment involves removing the initial restoration, re-cleaning and sanitizing the root canals, and re-filling the holes. They’ll also place a new restoration on top to seal the tooth. Ideally, this will fix the issue you’re having with that particular tooth.

If you suspect you may need root canal retreatment in Thornton, CO, call Colorado Root Canal Specialist today. A member of our friendly and experienced team is waiting to take your call. And we’re happy to schedule an appointment that conveniently fits your busy schedule. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and comprehensive oral exam.

3 Reasons a Fractured Tooth May Require a Root Canal

When a tooth experiences some level of trauma, a crack may develop. In a lot of cases, a dentist will recommend a root canal in Thornton, CO as part of the treatment process if the tooth is salvageable. Root canals protect damaged teeth on a number of levels. Take a look at some reasons why a root canal may be recommended if you sustain a fractured tooth.

1. To protect the tooth from nerve exposure

A fractured tooth that has been severely damaged may leave the nerves within the tooth exposed. Nerve exposure can be especially painful, especially when your teeth are exposed to either hot or cold temperatures. You may feel throbbing pain that seems to linger long after exposure. A root canal may be an option to remove the damaged tooth structure and replace it so that the nerve is no longer exposed.

2. To prepare the tooth for a crown

Once a tooth is cracked, a dental crown may be recommended to fully restore the tooth’s structure, protect it, and restore the visual appearance. Before a dental crown is placed on the damaged tooth, the underlying tooth does have to be repaired. The crown itself does not protect the tooth fully after it has been damaged, so a root canal may be recommended.

3. To restore the internal structure of the tooth

When the internal structure of the tooth is damaged, this leaves the tooth vulnerable to decay. Bacteria and other microbes can get trapped inside the tooth, which may lead to decay from the inside. A root canal restores the internal structure of the tooth, which means risks of decay can potentially be lowered.

Talk to a Root Canal Specialist in Thornton, CO

A fractured tooth can be a serious dental health situation. Therefore, seeking treatment from a Thornton, CO dentist right away is important. Look for a dentist that is skilled in the area of endodontics to ensure your tooth gets the best attention. Reach out to us at Colorado Root Canal Specialist to schedule an appointment today.

What Is a Surgical Root Canal?

Has your dentist in Thornton, CO told you that you need a surgical root canal? If so, you might be wondering what is a surgical root canal and how it’s different from a traditional root canal? Don’t worry, we are going to go over both types of root canals with you, so you understand what is involved and what to expect.

Let’s get started.

What Is a Surgical Root Canal?

When a dentist says the word surgery, that usually instills fear in most people. However, root canal surgery is a fairly simple procedure and something most dentists and oral surgeons do on a regular basis.

With that being said, it’s still surgery, so it does require the use of anesthesia. Using anesthesia will minimize the amount of pain you experience.

A surgical root canal is performed on patients who have infected tooth pulp. The tooth pulp is a crucial part of any tooth, and it consists of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue.

How Is Root Canal Surgery Performed?

If you need a surgical root canal in Thornton, CO, your dentist will do the following:

  • Oral exam
  • Dental X-Rays
  • Numbing and local anesthesia
  • Remove infected tooth pulp
  • Fill the tooth
  • Finish tooth restoration

These steps will require two or so dental visits and the surgery itself can usually be completed within about three hours. After the procedure is finished, you will be able to go home the same day.

What Is a Non-Surgical Root Canal?

Non-surgical root canals or conventional root canals are more common than surgical root canals. The process is similar to having a filling done except it’s a much deeper, more detailed procedure. This is because the drilling goes much deeper down into the root of your tooth. Here is the process for a non-surgical root canal.

  • Local anesthetic
  • Drill down to the root canal
  • Remove the diseased tooth pulp
  • Clean canal with sodium hypochlorite
  • Fill tooth

Sometimes the dentist might need to reconstruct your tooth by placing a metal post in the tooth canal. Then a temporary crown is installed over your tooth and later removed and replaced with a permanent crown.

What’s Next?

If you want more information about surgical root canals, or if you have questions about other dental issues, please Contact Colorado Root Canal Specialist today. Let us show you how to say goodbye to tooth pain so you can get back to enjoying your life again!

Why Is a Root Canal Better Than an Extraction? 

Both a root canal and a tooth extraction can relieve the pain of a toothache. However, it’s always best to save the natural tooth when possible. Before yourendodontist in Thornton, CO, extracts a tooth, they must have a plan to replace it. Otherwise, bone loss may occur. For this reason, it’s always preferable to save an existing tooth. A root canal is often the solution.

What Is a Root Canal?

When your dental professional performs a root canal, they make an opening in the crown and treat any infection that has formed inside the pulp. Afterward, they remove the pulp and seal off the canal, so reinfection can’t occur. Finally, they pack the crown with a temporary plug that keeps the treated tooth secure until you can return for your filling. This not only saves your natural tooth, but it can relieve your toothache, too.

Before performing your root canal, your endodontist will numb your tooth, so you don’t feel any pain during the procedure. And your root canal is usually performed right in the office, so you’re free to leave afterward. You may experience tenderness or mild discomfort after your root canal, so talk with your dentist about the best form of pain relief for you.

Why Is a Root Canal the Better Choice?

Your dentist will always try to save your natural tooth when possible because it’s usually easier to repair a tooth than to replace it. Once the tooth has been extracted, something else must go in its place to prevent bone loss. Usually, this is a dental implant, a partial denture, or a fixed bridge. Each is a second procedure that must be performed during follow-up visits. And some procedures, such as implants and dentures, require more than one visit to your dental professional. For these reasons, it’s always preferable to treat the afflicted tooth than remove it.

Call Colorado Root Canal Specialist Today

If you think a root canal may be the answer to yourtoothache in Thornton, CO, call Colorado Root Canal Specialists today. Our friendly and professional clinicians are always willing to do what’s necessary to save your tooth and relieve your pain. Call today to schedule a consultation.

Anatomy of a Toothache

The pain associated with a toothache is usually intense. This is why most patients are desperate for relief when a toothache strikes — even to the point of asking for extraction to relieve the pain. Luckily, if your root canal dentist in Thornton, CO, sees you in time, they may be able to ease your discomfort without sacrificing the tooth that’s causing it. Many factors work together to cause a tooth to decay. If you better understand how a toothache occurs, you may better understand how a root canal resolves the issue.

Anatomy of a Toothache

Your teeth have more parts than most people realize, much more than just a root and a crown, including:

  • Periodontal Ligament — connects the tooth to the tooth socket
  • Cementum — protective, bone-like layer that covers the root
  • Blood Vessels and Nerves — run through the pulp cavity and the root canal
  • Root Canal — runs from the pulp chamber down through the root and into the jawbone
  • Enamel — covers the crown of the tooth
  • Dentin — hard tissue beneath the enamel
  • Pulp Chamber — located inside the crown of the tooth

When you have a cavity that’s left untreated, the decay eats through the enamel and the dentin into the pulp. This is when it may become painful, because the pulp chamber is filled with nerves. Infection may continue down the root canal and cause infection, or abscess, in the gums. The result is a toothache of epic proportions that may send you in a panic to your local dentist.

How Root Canal Therapy Can Help

Root canal therapy requires making an opening in your infected tooth, exposing the pulp and the root canal. These areas are then cleaned and flushed of infection. Your dentist then refills the root canal and the pulp with a permanent material that replaces the nerves and blood vessels. They then fill the opening and cap the tooth. Sometimes, they place a support within the root canal to help support the root. As a result, the tooth is saved, and your pain is alleviated. This makes treatment by root canal a great solution for the pain of an infected tooth.

For more information on root canal therapy in Thornton, CO, call Colorado Root Canal Specialist to schedule a consultation.

What Should You Do About That Toothache?

Toothaches can be a real problem because they’re painful, and also because they’re an indication of a serious problem. In fact, tooth aches are dental emergencies! Knowing what to do about a toothache is important. Getting emergency dental care in Thornton, CO can help you avoid a lost tooth. If you’re experiencing a toothache, here’s how you can take care of your problem and take care of yourself.

Take an Anti-Inflammatory

Sometimes, taking an anti-inflammatory medicine like ibuprofen can help with dental pain. Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and don’t take more than the recommended dosage.

Some over-the-counter medications, like acetaminophen, aren’t considered anti-inflammatories and will not help as much. Make sure the medicine you’re taking is the correct medicine for your needs.

Swish With Saltwater

Salt water is a natural disinfectant and can help with a minor toothache. Put 1/2 of a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm (but not hot) water, and mix until the salt has dissolved. Put the salt water in your mouth and swish like it’s a mouth wash. The salt water will kill bacteria and help dull the pain at the same time.

Get Advice From Your Dentist

Toothaches can be a dental emergency, so if you’re experiencing a toothache, it’s important to get advice from your dental professional in Thornton CO. Call your dentist as soon as the toothache begins to describe the problem and the severity. Your dentist can tell you whether you need to come in for an appointment, and can also give recommendations to help dull the pain.

Schedule a Dental Appointment As Soon As Possible

Don’t let a toothache ruin your day. If you’re experiencing tooth pain, contact a dental professional as soon as possible to find out the potential cause and what can be done about it. At Colorado Root Canal Specialist, we can provide advice and help you decide whether you need a root canal or some other form of tooth repair or treatment. Call today to make an appointment and take care of your oral hygiene!

Important Facts to Know About Root Cavities in Teeth

Most patients assume that when they get a cavity in one of their teeth, they will be able to clearly see that cavity to know that something is wrong. However, many patients who need a root canal in Thornton, CO are surprised to learn they have a cavity far under the gum line.

Root cavities are most common for older adults.

In order for a root cavity to develop, bacteria must gain access to the root of the tooth by bypassing the gingival tissue. Therefore, people who have healthy, complete gum tissue are not likely to have a problem. Older adults that are dealing with a lower gum margin or diseased gum tissue have teeth roots that are far more vulnerable to decay.

Root cavities can be especially painful.

Root cavities may not be directly exposed to the foods you eat or fluids you drink, so the general sensitivity that comes with a cavity may not be present. Nevertheless, these cavities can be especially painful. Most patients will feel pain when they bite down, chew, or do anything that puts pressure on the root of the tooth. You may also notice sharp pain that seems to come from within the tooth or gum soreness around the tooth.

Root canal therapy may or may not be needed.

Root canal therapy is a procedure done to replace diseased pulp within the canals of a tooth. Root cavities do not always reach into the pulp of the tooth. Even though the cavity is on the root, the cavity can be a surface-level problem that calls for a general surface-level filling. One thing to remember about root cavities is they can spread much faster than a standard cavity. The roots of your teeth are not coated with protective enamel like the exposed surfaces, which allows for decay to spread quickly. Therefore, the need for a root canal is common by the time the cavity is discovered.

Need a Root Canal Specialist in Thornton, CO?

While root cavities can be concerning, intervention with the right treatment can still potentially see the ailing tooth so it doesn’t have to be extracted. If you need a root canal in Thornton, CO, reach out to us at the Colorado Root Canal Specialist to schedule an appointment.

Root Canal FAQ

If you’ve never had a root canal, you may have questions about what the experience is like. If you need a root canal in Thornton CO, knowing what to expect can make the experience overall less scary. In particular, many people who need a root canal want to know whether the experience is painful. The more you know going into the procedure, the better off you are.

Are root canals painful?

Root canals are usually not very painful because the dentist uses local anesthesia to numb the tooth and gums before the root canal takes place. In fact, most people say they experienced little or no pain during their root canal procedure. However, you may be experiencing a lot of pain before the root canal takes place. The faster you get the root canal, the better!

Is it uncomfortable when the procedure is over?

Most people state that if they did experience pain during the root canal, it’s over within about one day of the procedure. If you continue to experience discomfort after your root canal is over, you should talk to your dentist. Your dentist can determine whether something is going wrong.

Can you put off getting a root canal?

Root canals are only necessary when the inside of your tooth has become infected and begun to decay. If you need a root canal, putting it off can lead to further decay, a more severe infection and more pain.

If you put off your root canal, the tooth may become so damaged that it needs to be removed. If you are experiencing severe tooth pain, it’s important to see your root canal specialist in Thornton CO as soon as possible to get your tooth examined.

Are you experiencing severe tooth pain? Need a root canal? Call Colorado Root Canal Specialist

At Colorado Root Canal Specialist, we help patients like you to take care of their teeth when they’re in need of treatment. We perform root canals to help you maintain healthy teeth now and into the future. Call today to make an appointment if you need a root canal.

What is a Root Canal?

Every year 15 million Americans get a root canal, according to the American Association of Endodontists. Although root canals in Thornton are common, many Americans are confused about what they entail. If your dentist has told you that you need a root canal, it’s likely that you have several questions about this procedure. Here is what you need to know about roots canals.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental treatment that gets rid of the bacteria found in the tooth. The process involves removing the infected pulp within the tooth and then cleaning the tooth before filling it and sealing it. The root canal is designed to hopefully save the tooth and avoid replacing it completely. Root canals have been considered a routine dental treatment for many decades now. This is a straightforward procedure and typically can be completed in one or two sessions.

Is a Root Canal Painful?

Many patients want to know if a root canal in Thornton will hurt. Since a root canal is an invasive treatment, there is pain associated with it. However, the patient needn’t feel any pain during a root canal. Often, the anxiety leading up to the treatment is worse than the actual root canal. During a root canal procedure, the patient is given anesthesia so they won’t feel any pain. The area is also numbed with a local, topical analgesic. After treatment, the area may be sore and the patient likely won’t be able to eat solid food for one or two days. Your Thornton dentist will recommend over-the-counter painkillers to keep discomfort at bay. The patient will also have aftercare instructions that cover all aspects of recovers.

When is a Root Canal Necessary?

A root canal may be necessary when the patient has an inflamed or infected tooth. Since the goal is to save the natural tooth and maintain the natural appearance, normal bite pattern and keep proper chewing mechanisms then the dentist may need to perform a root canal on the damaged tooth. Most patients who come in for a root canal have been experiencing pain when they bite or chew, chipped teeth or a cracked tooth, hot and cold sensitivity, swollen or enlarged gums and decaying gums.

When you get a root canal in Thornton at our practice, you can be sure you will be made as comfortable as possible. For more information about root canals and your dental health, please contact us.


How to Treat Pain After a Root Canal

Whether you’ve already had a root canal or you’re anticipating problems that might come after, pain is likely your top priority. The good news is that severe pain after a root canal is uncommon, thanks largely to serious advancements in dentistry. We’ll look at what’s normal and how you can treat it.

What’s Causing the Pain After a Root Canal?

Usually, it’s the residual sensitivity from the cleaning process that’s causing your pain. When a dentist clears out the pulp from the chamber of the tooth, they have to create an opening to access the interior. You may feel the effects of this for a few days after the treatment. If you’re planning to go in for another treatment (usually for a crown), know that the pain and sensitivity are often better the second time around.

How Can I Treat Pain After a Root Canal?

You should be able to control the pain with over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol or Advil. You may have to try both to get a sense of which one works best for you. Just make sure that you’re taking them as indicated, and check with a doctor to ensure that this regimen won’t interfere with any prescriptions you may be taking for other medical conditions.

If you want to treat your pain naturally, try meditation or yoga as a way of relaxing the body and focusing the mind. During this time, you also should be taking care of your teeth, avoiding crunchy foods, and abstaining from smoking.

What’s Abnormal After a Root Canal?

Severe pain is abnormal, so if it’s lasting for more than a few days, you should contact your dentist and ask about what to do next. While it’s rare, it’s possible for complications to develop after a root canal. If the pain or swelling is getting worse, you may need another cleaning session to ensure that all pulp has been safely removed.

Root canals get a bad reputation, but the truth is that they’re regular procedures that can eliminate a far worse problem in a relatively short amount of time. While some degree of pain can be expected, it’s usually easily managed with a few simple solutions.