What to Expect With Root Canal Recovery

The thought of having a root canal in Thornton, CO isn’t something that anyone looks forward to. But if you consider how much pain and discomfort is relieved by the root canal, you could easily look at it like one of the best dental treatments you’ve ever had. Of course, a person doesn’t just walk out of a root canal appointment feeling like a new person…quite yet. Recovery might take a few days. Here’s what to expect with root canal recovery.

Swelling and Inflammation

Now’s not the time to have that important work photo session. For a few days, you’ll probably have a swollen face and jaw, much like you would if you had someone punch you in the face. The swelling will go down quickly, however, so there’s no need to schedule plastic surgery! To help reduce swelling, you can apply a cold compress to your cheek near the treated area. For the inflammation, try sticking to a soft food diet for a few days. That can minimize irritation and protect the tooth while it heals. Foods like soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes and smoothies are good options during this time.

Discomfort Will Fade

Within a week or two, most of the discomfort will fade, and you’ll be able to return to your normal activities, including appearing in public. However, if you experience severe pain, swelling that doesn’t improve, or signs of infection such as fever, you should contact your dentist immediately. Your recovery from a root canal procedure shouldn’t last more than a week. If it does, you might need additional treatment.

In the long term, a root canal can save your tooth and prevent more serious dental issues. With proper care and regular check-ups, the treated tooth should last many years, allowing you to maintain a healthy, pain-free smile. Contact your Thornton, CO dentist today to learn more!

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